Lets Talk About Artificial Intelligence

A Game Changer for Entrepreneurs and Everyday Users

Harnessing the Power of AI

A Game Changer for Entrepreneurs and Everyday Users

Let’s Talk About Artificial Intelligence 🌟

The latest and greatest in technology by far is Artificial Intelligence or AI. Artificial intelligence has grown quicker than any technology we have ever seen. That has many people overwhelmed and even confused. When I mention AI, the response is either hot or cold. Either people love it, or they fear it like the apocalypse. We all know what it is. But I don’t think many realize how much AI is already incorporated into our lives. Here are five examples that you may not have ever suspected:

1. Smartphones and Personal Assistants: Siri on Apple devices, Google Assistant on Android devices, and Amazon's Alexa in our homes all use AI to understand natural language and complete tasks for us.

2. Navigation and GPS: Services like Google Maps, Waze, and your car navigation system analyze the speed of traffic movement using anonymized location data from smartphones. This AI-driven technology helps in real-time traffic updates and route planning.

3. Social Media Platforms: AI is used in personalized content delivery, such as the "Suggested For You" posts on Instagram or "People You May Know" on Facebook, helping to enhance user engagement on these platforms.

4. Email Filtering: AI helps filter our emails, particularly spam detection. Gmail, for instance, uses AI to filter out spam and promotional emails from our main inbox.

5. Online Shopping Recommendations: Websites like Amazon and Netflix use AI to analyze your browsing behavior and purchase history to recommend products or movies/series that you might like.

I get it. It was a significant transformation all of a sudden. But was it? Instead of being a willing participant and spectator, let me challenge you to be a part of the revolution of AI. The possibilities of AI are endless, not just for entrepreneurs but for everyone. Not only is AI transforming businesses, but it is transforming lives in many ways.

In this edition of The Referral Source, I will give you some ways to make AI work for you.

Your friends at the Referral Source 💙
Kimberly Offord,
Author, REALTOR®, Entrepreneur, Art Collector

FREE Referral Tip of The Month

Tip for Everyone: It’s summer, and most people are entertaining or enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. At your next gathering, invite your favorite small business to set up a table to provide samples or even sell products to your guests. Be sure to include a business card or contact information for your guests to patronize in the future.

Tip for Entrepreneurs: Use your CRM to create a drip email campaign. This campaign will be a series of 3-5 emails over six months. Re-introduce your business to your contact list in small spurts. At the end of each email, ask for referrals.

Be the 1st to know when The Referral Store launches!

5 Everyday Ways You Can Use AI to Get Ahead

  1. Use AI software like ChatGpt, Google Bard, or Microsoft Bing to develop a schedule to help you organize your day or complete a goal. (see the previous newsletter for the prompt)

  2. Save time writing notes from meetings. Use tldv.io to act as a meeting assistant for your Zoom meetings. This AI will transcribe and summarize key points in your session. There is a free version available. (at time of print)

  3. Use AI to plan meals and meal prepping for the week. Have AI provide the recipe and write your shopping list. Add an extension to the premium version of ChatGPT, like Tasty, to get even more possibilities.

  4. Give ChatGPT, Bing, or Bard the parameters for a work presentation. Ask it to give you an outline for your presentation. Ask it to suggest creative ways for you to present the material. Tell it the tone of your presentation. Put your mind at ease!

  5. Do you have a professional or personal goal you have always wanted to reach? Tell AI the plan and your timeline. List any obstacles you anticipate and any advantages you have already achieved. Ask it to give you a realistic timeline for achieving the goal by accomplishing 1 task a week.

ChatGPT Prompt for the Month

Tell us about your experiences with AI Technology. We would love to hear how you are using it. Here is our straightforward prompt for the day.

If you would like ChatGPT to help you with a work or class presentation, try this prompt:

EXAMPLE: “Act as a Ted Talk presenter. Please create an outline for a presentation. The topic of the presentation is “How I Got Over Fear.” The presentation is for a professional group convention. Here are the main topics of the presentation 1. Fear is not Fair 2. Getting over the hurdle 3. Moving out of Doubt 4. Free from Fear. Provide an exciting opening statement for the presentation. Please help me with three suggestions for presentation titles. The tone of the presentation is informative, informal, inspiring, and personal.”

THE PROMPT: “Act as a Ted Talk presenter. Please create an outline for a presentation. The topic of the presentation is [insert topic]. The presentation is for [insert purpose]. Here are the main topics of the presentation [insert main topics]. Provide an exciting opening statement for the presentation. Please help me with three suggestions for presentation titles. The tone of the presentation is informative, informal, inspiring, and personal. [or insert your own tones]

I hope this prompt helps!!

Stay Tuned for the Next Newsletter!

That’s all for today! But stay tuned for more valuable resources, reviews, and information to help build brands and break business barriers!